Solutions for Care

May Newsletter

May Newsletter:

April showers brings May flowers and Mother’s Day!

We like to share a special thank you to all our mothers,
including our grandparents raising grandchildren!

Kids are the future and you are helping shape it. We appreciate your service, and we know it’s not easy. If you or anyone you know is a grandparent raising a  grandchildren we have a program specifically designed to support you in your caregiving mission.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

There are 220,088 Illinois children under the age of 18 that are living in a grandparent-headed home and over 100,000 grandparents who are caring for their grandchildren. As a part of a state-wide network, Solutions for Care:

  • Establishes support groups and provides them with financial and technical assistance.

  • Provides grandparents with information and referral assistance about available services.

  • Assists caregivers in gaining access to services.

  • Provides Individual counseling, support groups, and caregiver training.

  • Offers respite care to enable caregivers to be temporarily relieved from their caregiving responsibilities.

If you are or know somebody who is a caregiver or a grandparent raising their grandchildren and need some supports, please access our services by calling

(708) 447-2448 or email